Mar 3, 2021

Project No. 1.16 2021 Q1 news

Project 1.16 “Development of integrated electronics for head position tracking and remote assistance functionality”

Hansamatrix Innovation SIA in cooperation with Lightspace Technologies SIA has successfully finished 2021 Q1 in the project  “Development of integrated electronics for head position tracking and remote assistance functionality”.

In 2021 Q1 project team is focusing on evaluating various SLAM solution providers, and meanwhile has acquired a high-precision high-speed outside-in stereo IR tracking camera, to integrate for high-precision head position tracking in submilimeter applications. 

The foreseen duration of the project is 20 months, starting on November 1st, 2020. The total planned cost of the project is 318001.61 EUR, consisting of 218585.07 EUR (68,73 %) public funding and 99415.54 EUR private funding.