Project No. 2020 Q3 news
HansaMatrix Innovation (HM-I) has successfully finished 2020 Q3 in project No. “Development of a compact, high-brightness laser image projection system for application in volumetric 3D displays”.
According to the project timeline, in 2020 Q3 HM-I and Lightspace Technologies are working on the 3rd activity development of the light source control board and display interface, including corresponding control algorithms. Third activity is in progress according to project timeline – control board schematics design is completed, and layout design it in progress, to be finished soon, so that the PCB’s can be manufactured. Meanwhile FSM based algorithms for laser control are being devised.
In addition, we have received the ordered high-power lasers systems and they are being tested. Initial measurements show promising results in achieving project goals.
The foreseen duration of the proposed project is 24 months, starting on April 1st, 2019. The total planned cost of the project is 816880.00 EUR, consisting of 553000.00 EUR (67.7%) public ERDF funding and 237000.00 EUR (29%) private funding.