Oct 6, 2020

HMX launches head mounted display tracking

Project No 1.16 “Development of integrated electronics for head position tracking and remote assistance functionality”

Hansamatrix Innovation SIA in cooperation with Lightspace Technologies SIA has signed a contract with SIA LEO Pētījumu centrs (Competence Centre of Electrical and Optical Equipment Production Sector of Latvia) for a research project “Development of integrated electronics for head position tracking and remote assistance functionality”.

The main objective is to develop a small-size light-weight electronics board that implements absolute position tracking for the head mounted display within a room and also implements a remote assistance functionality.

The actions of the proposed project include development of SLAM algorithms, integrateable devices, electroncis module development and sample production run.

The foreseen duration of the project is 20 months, starting on November 1st, 2020. The total planned cost of the project is 318001.61 EUR, consisting of 218585.07 EUR (68,73 %) public funding and 99415.54 EUR private funding.