Baltcap becomes the majority shareholder of HansaMatrix
BaltCap, the leading private equity fund manager in the Baltics through its company Emsco, has become the largest shareholder of HansaMatrix. BaltCap has successfully concluded the voluntary share purchase offer by acquiring 93.1% of HansaMatrix shares.
The new ownership structure will now allow the company to better raise additional capital to unlock the company’s further growth potential.
Given that SIA Emsco has acquired more than 90 percent of HansaMatrix’s voting rights, SIA Emsco, per Takeover Law, has the right to redeem the shares of Hansamatrix held by remaining shareholders without their consent. SIA Emsco intends to execute this right and also plans to propose delisting from the regulated market. The representative of the new shareholder has commented that delisting of HansaMatrix will allow company to focus on the long-term development.