Project No. 2020 Q4 news
During Q4, 2020 the financial and project progress report has been submitted to Central Contract and Finance Agency. In total more than 200 000 EUR claimed costs has been reported for period since July 1st, 2019 to September 30, 2020.
A previously planned changes in project addresses has been put on table for the board of HansaMatrix. Final decision will be announced on 2021.
It has been agreed to extend the implementation period until October, 2023. Need to extend the project term was due shortage of available investments that was caused because of Covid-19 pandemic caused disruptions in Supply chain.
Project total investment amount is 2.899 million EUR. EU and Latvian government grant amount is 1.015 million EUR. The rest of the project will be financed from the company’s own and bank loan resources.