Sep 4, 2021

Project No. 1.2 2021 Q3 news 

Project 1.2 “Development of electronics for multifocal augmented and virtual reality displays”

Hansamatrix Innovation SIA in cooperation with Hansamatrix Ventspils SIA successfully finished research work in the project “Development of electronics for multifocal augmented and virtual reality displays” on 31st July of 2021.

Within the project an rigid-flex based electronics system was developed, that resulted seven times smaller (in area) than a system used before. The result was also three times smaller than was originally planed to achieve in the project. This allows implementation of electronics system for a multi-focal augmented and virtual reality headsets without external electronics system components, and is much more light-weight and user friendly.  

The results have been included in two scientific publications. First publication has been re-submitted to a journal after reviewers comments. Second paper has just been submitted to International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D), to be referened in a conference and published in conference procceedings, that are indexed in Scopus.  The IC3D 2021 will take place on 8th of December, in Brussels. 

The total planned cost of the project is 407272.73 EUR, consisting of 279999.80 EUR (68,75 %) public funding and 127272.83 EUR private funding.