Dec 3, 2020

Project No. 1.2 2020 Q4 news

Project 1.2 “Development of electronics for multifocal augmented and virtual reality displays”

Hansamatrix Innovation SIA in cooperation with Hansamatrix Ventspils SIA has successfully finished 2020 Q4 in the project  “Development of electronics for multifocal augmented and virtual reality displays”. 

In 2020 Q4 activities project team continued work on 2nd and 3rd activities. 

The PCB will contain central functional integrated circuit – Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA, that will work as DisplayPort 1.2 / 1.4 receiver (8.1 Gbps per lane, four lanes, total of 32.4 Gbps) input video stream, implement two simultaneous DLP based projection engine controller and data output module. This is a cost / performance effective solution for the required functionality. 

  • In 2nd activity we have successfully implemented and verified DisplayPort receiver part, and DLP projection engine controller.
  • In 3rd activity we have finished schematics development and are now continuing the process with PCB layout design. 

Meanwhile we have also verified potential suppliers of rigid-flex PCB for high quality assembly, 

The foreseen duration of the project is 19 months, starting on May 1st, 2020. The total planned cost of the project is 407272.73 EUR, consisting of 279999.90 EUR (68,75 %) public funding and 127272.83 EUR private funding.